Lower the volume on the cough syrup commercial because I am ready to communicate with you now. Join us and our Krieger nips as we cover The Sixth Sense.
Released: October 1999
Writer & Director: M Night Shyamalan
Budget: $40,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $672,806,292
Cast: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette
Breakdown and Analysis
- It elevated from a movie to a film in the last act.
- M Night Shyamalan is Krieger, we are Krieger’s nipples and that twist was so fucking hard.
- Films can be dormant volcanoes and it will erupt all over you in the most splooshiest of ways.
- First time in a long time KT had the visceral experience of cinema. And it is encapsulated in The Sixth Sense.
- Bruce Willis acts. KT could see Bruce Willis acting throughout the movie. Not sure if it’s a bad thing but it was visible.
- Getting a kid actor to focus is not easy let alone having us believe the conviction.
- KT’s favourite films tap into our human need to love and be loved.
- Seeing the dynamic between Cole and Malcolm solidified in the ending. Because the journey was for Malcolm and not Cole. It was a symbiotic relationship.
- Double ended plug twist. The one reveal was working toward a bigger reveal.
- Shining a light of the American education glossing over true details of the whole history.
- No matter what the setting is, KT enjoys staying with the characters and then expanding out.
- Rewatchability does not always denote to a great film and great films don’t always have to be rewatchable. But there’s definitely an enjoyable experience to have this film to come back to and experience again.
- When the scene moves to Malcolm being alive after getting shot, there was an initial hesitation of how he was able to survive but we were so drawn in we were able to follow along, despite that.
Unrelated but vital points
- Madonna KT needs to get back in her cave.
- KT is very generous with her counterfeit free passes.
- Come and fight KT in the conspiracy corners of the internet.
- Oti’s search history: stepmom bumder, evil stepmoms
- A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) reference.
For Your Reference
[imdb style=”gray”]tt1001482[/imdb]
[imdb style=”gray”]tt7784604[/imdb]