We hope you’ve read the memo because this week we transfer to Scranton for The Office. It’s a fun, light hearted show but we manage to find qualms, it’s kinda our thing. Quid Pro Mo from The Fanboy and The Hater podcast.
Breakdown and Analysis
- Michael Scott was ridiculous but was Regional Manager for a long time with little reprimand. He did terrible things but it was without malice. He was a lovable goof and this trait granted him graces. Highlights include him and his George Foreman grill, Threat Level Midnight, Prison Mike
- Dwight Schrute is Oti’s favourite character of all time and hit him in the feels. Every time. He got involved and made the most of his life. Even his cyber life. As intense as he can be, he put himself out there and that is admirable. Especially as Jim would rip at him for no reason, most of the time. Aside from the fact that Dwight put in effort. Not to mention he was the best salesperson.
- Jim is trash. Not as bad as his wife though. With a discerning eye, it was clear Jim had a superiority complex even though he didn’t out in effort. At. All. One of the best moments is when Idris comes in as a guest star and does not consume an ounce of his bullshit.
- Pam is ultimate trash. Didn’t detect this the first couple of times watching but it becomes blatantly apparent that she was selfish and embarrassingly self indulgent. She felt most special when she was the hottest option around. Don’t agree? Maybe listening to the episode will change your mind.
- Andy, Andy, Andy. What can be said about the Nard Dog? When he was first introduced, he was a delight to watch. As the show progressed and with Michael’s departure, he was set to fill these massive comedic shoes! Therein, my friends, lies Andy’s demise. He devolved into a stalker haunting over Erin. But we’ll also have Take a Chance on Me!
Unrelated but vital points
- This was not an Archer episode. Or an Inbetweeners one.
- KT will provide ample warnings as a Fire Warden but do not be mistaken, she will leave your ass to burn because she has mouths to feed.
- As coined by Oti, don’t forget The Office existed before This Is Us to bring us all the tears and feels.
For Your Reference
Oti’s pick
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0108778[/imdb]
KT’s pick
[imdb style=”gray”]tt3163562[/imdb]