Print out the transcripts, learn what pleases a beautiful woman and acquire sustenance through the boob buffet. Open your mouth and have something to say with The Aviator this week.

Every February, we kick off our Reference Degustation. A month-long celebration of the sizzling Scorsese cinema for our fifth year of the For Your Reference podcast.


In this episode, the hosts review the film ‘The Aviator’ directed by Martin Scorsese. They discuss various themes explored in the film, including the struggle to be spiritual in a materialistic world, the toll of keeping necessary secrets, and the depiction of powerful cabals and the inner workings of absolute power. They also analyze the direction and stylistic choices of Scorsese, the performances of the cast, and the overall impact of the film. The hosts rank the film in comparison to other Scorsese films and express their disappointment with the overall reference degustation of Scorsese’s work.


The Aviator explores themes such as the struggle to be spiritual in a materialistic world, the toll of keeping necessary secrets, and the depiction of powerful cabals and the inner workings of absolute power.
The direction and stylistic choices in the film are analyzed, with a focus on Scorsese’s use of narration, voiceover, and visual techniques.
The performances of the cast, including Leonardo DiCaprio, are discussed, with differing opinions on the portrayal of the protagonist.
The hosts express their disappointment with the overall reference degustation of Scorsese’s work, feeling that the films did not showcase his range and style as effectively as they had hoped.


00:00 Introduction and Overview
01:13 Third Course: Scorsese Cinema Celebration
02:19 Director Martin Scorsese and Writing Credits
03:45 Film Release and Box Office Performance
05:54 Cast and Performances
06:51 First Impressions
08:20 Direction and Stylistic Choices
09:11 Narration and Voiceover
10:09 Length and Pacing
11:21 Direction and Stylistic Choices (Continued)
12:18 Historical Retelling of Real Events
13:16 Depiction of Mental Illness
14:19 Depiction of Genius
17:44 Powerful Cabals and Inner Workings of Absolute Power
19:48 Throwback Films and Comparisons
21:45 Themes: Catholic Guilt and Spirituality
22:14 Themes: Conflicted Protagonists and Ethical Dilemmas
27:47 Themes: Living by a Code of Conduct
29:15 Themes: Powerful Cabals and Inner Workings of Absolute Power (Continued)
30:02 Themes: Violence as a Means to Resolve Conflict
30:36 Themes: The Toll of Keeping Necessary Secrets
32:52 Themes: Challenging Protagonists and Ethically Flawed Characters
33:18 Themes: Struggle to be Spiritual in a Materialistic World
36:12 Themes: The Toll of Keeping Necessary Secrets (Continued)
37:34 Ranking of Films
38:49 Discussion on Scorsese’s Range and Style
46:21 Conclusion and Disappointment