Strap in, tilt your head back and take a spirit hit until it feels good. Catch these haunted hands with Talk to Me this week.
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KT Mahe
Sophie Wilde delivers range reminiscent of Lupita Nyong'o in US and this film excels in iconic imagery bolstered with enthralling sound design. The best were cast but some characters leaned into traditional tropes that didn't fit into this modern take.
Rated: 4/5 •
Talk to Me fascinates with its brilliantly executed, intriguing concept. The standout portrayal by Sophie Wilde brings delightful depth, making it an absolute must-watch!
Rated: 4/5 •
Strap in, tilt your head back and take a spirit hit until it feels good. Catch these haunted hands with Talk to Me this week.
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To get movies and tv shows from our frame of reference in your ear holes!