Prepare your sticky stuff as we swing into the Spiderverse this week. Quid Pro-Mo from IMDb Journey and check out our guest spot with Late To The Show.
Released: December 2018
Budget: $90,000,000
Gross: $190,241,310
Breakdown and Analysis
- They had to go so far as a multiverse for people to accept a black spiderman. I said it.
- This movie works for all generations. For those old enough to remember looking forward to Saturday morning cartoons there was nostalgia galore. For the younger generation, where this might be their first introduction to Spiderman, it was so deliciously meta. In all the best ways.
- Music was so much fun and took us back to a time of pimples and angst.
- Who would have thought a quaint animated would make you cry? In way of Miles’ relationship with Paper Daddy.
- Miles takes on Mother’s name. We love a progressive production.
- Peter B Parker as the begrudging expert and the overly eager student was a delight to watch.
- Enjoyed their rag tag band of misfits.
- It makes sense that there may be other spider-esque heros a smore than one would expect.
- Genuine cinephile query: There is a limit to the web. Does his sperm come out like that? Watch this space on an update to our first video podcast of Oti carrying out this hypothesis.
- Appreciated a woman spiderman. In a multiverse chances are you get one. Penni Parker too.
- We enjoyed the Japanese/Anime tropes. Tiny girl with lotsa candies. Excited that she would be speaking Japanese.
- Oti will not acknowledge the real life death note.
- It’s rare not to notice that a PG movie is PG.
- Relationship with his uncle kind of fiiled the gap of a father figure. At least unti;l he forged one with his dad. Paper Daddy if ya nasty!
- Kingpin is the curator of his own misery.
- Seabiscuit mfcker, Greasy mfcker and cutesy pocket mfcker.
- Donald Glover was the quintessential spider man. KT appreciated the reference.
Unrelated but vital points
- We don’t get paid for our quality commentary.
- Oti is looking to get bitten by an Australian spider. I don’t think this will end well.
- KT is well read, in a movie sense.
- Oti is well read, in a book sense.
- We Stan a Tom Hardy in this household. We also like Riz Ahmed. Don’t care so much for Venom.
- 0069 – Idris Elba for Bond. Double making an ass. Everyone wants to 69 the ass.
- Netflix needs to stop slapping their name on shit. We’re looking at you Drake and Cardi B.
- The rage continues for Martha Ex Machina.
- KT fell asleep during an iconic scene with Captain America and the helicopter.
- Your phrase or Kenyan mine – whatever tickles your calukus.
- If you win a game show based on something we said, we claim 50% in perpetuity.
For Your Reference
Our suggestions on what you should watch in supplement of this movie!
Oti’s pick
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0437086[/imdb]
KT’s pick
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0145487[/imdb]