In the world of film and storytelling, there’s a unique magic that can turn ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones. Such is the case with “The Last Journey,” that explores the intersections of friendship, family, and the universal human experience. Recently, on the For Your Reference Podcast, the film’s creators, Filip and Fredrik, shared insights into their project’s journey and what it means for their audience. Here, we delve into their conversation and what makes this film an inspiring watch.

The Film’s Beginnings

As the episode kicks off, we find Filip and Frederik reminiscing about how “The Last Journey” began. The project was born out of a heartfelt conversation between friends. Filip expressed his need to return home and uplift his father, sparking the idea of capturing their journey on film. Frederik noted the unique character of Filip’s father, whose eccentric yet relatable nature promised a touching narrative. This decision was driven by the belief that their story held a universal appeal—an exploration of aging, family connections, and the simple joys of life.

Capturing Real Moments

Central to the film’s charm is its authenticity. Filip and Frederik aimed to keep the tone natural, capturing the essence of their friendship and family dynamics. According to Frederik, the film is a blend of humor and heartfelt moments, often juxtaposing laughter and tears in a single scene. This balance exemplifies the realness they aimed for—no scripted jokes, just genuine interactions.

A Film About Love and Laughter

Throughout the podcast, the duo emphasizes how the film is not only about their journey but also about love, friendship, and living life fully—despite its mix of sorrow and joy. Filip highlights his father’s anecdotes, which, although sometimes repetitive and unremarkable, held a certain charm and fondness that many can relate to. In exploring themes of making cherished memories and embracing life’s moments, the film becomes both life-affirming and humorous.

The Global and Personal Impact

As the podcast unfolds, the conversation touches on the global reach and personal stories inspired by the film. Audiences in Sweden and those abroad have found resonance in its narrative, leading them to embark on their journeys with loved ones. Frederik notes the film’s potential to inspire viewers to reconnect with family, an investment never regretted.

Balancing Humor Across Cultures

One interesting aspect of the discussion is the exploration of humor across cultures. The creators reflect on how Swedish humor, much like Australian humor, marries drama and lightness. Their preference for unscripted, real-life comedy over stand-up jokes underlines their commitment to authenticity.

A Recommended Experience

In wrapping up, the podcasters discuss potential films that complement “The Last Journey.” Frederik suggests “Sideways,” a drama about friendship without overt jokes, reflecting their film’s spirit. Both Filip and Frederik express appreciation for documentaries that offer humor and insight into real life.


“The Last Journey” is more than a film—it’s a celebration of life’s diverse experiences and emotions. Through their genuine conversation on the For Your Reference Podcast, Filip and Frederik provide a window into their creative process, hopes, and the transformative power of storytelling. For anyone seeking a thoughtful, heartfelt viewing experience, this film, paired with the timeless charm of Harry Belafonte and a glass of wine, promises an unforgettable journey.