This 2018 Korean film has had a another spotlight as it rolled into Netflix recently. Join us for our hot takes on the simmering of this movie’s pacing, our love for BTS and cancelling slum tourism.
Released: May 2018
Gross: $718,991
Breakdown & Synopsis
- Ben has semblances of Christian Bale’s American Psycho. He has a charismatic pull and was likeable.
- The concept of Little Hunger, Great Hunger was fascinating.
- Jong Su was introduced as a sweet, unassuming guy that was longing for connection.
- We talk about triggers. For Jong Su, it could have been his dad being sentencing as well as selling the calf. For Ben, Jong Su seemed to be his trigger.
- How did Ben choose his victims. We have two theories
- as per his greenhouse analogy, he deliberately and was cautious to select women that would not be missed and were ’empty’
- he comes across an engaging woman on the surface with a lot to offer however he starts to notice any growth is supeficial and they are as hollow as he is
Unrelated but vital points
- You may be surprised to know KT is not fluent in Korean.
- The best endings in TV shows or movies are the ones that leave you wanting more.
- Kenya has one of the biggest IT hubs in the world
- As general advice, don’t solely base your opinions based on an off hand comment in a movie
- Don’t post pics with pics and claim you are a changed person and the country you visited is better from your presence
- Slum tourism is cancelled and people should not contribute to it
For Your Reference
Our suggestions on what you should watch in supplement of this TV show!
KT’s picks
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0144084[/imdb][imdb style=”gray”]tt1588170[/imdb]
Oti’s picks
[imdb style=”gray”]tt2234428[/imdb]