Celebrating our 20th episode in this bonus with our friends Savage Otaku and Anime Nerd. If you thought we were only going to talk about Pokemon, you were wrong.
What was the first anime you watched?
- Anime Nerd: Beyblade
- Savage Otaku: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
- Oti: Samurai X
- KT: Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball/Z
- Anime Nerd: DBZ is the gateway anime and it was also the first anime to sell out theatres with it’s movies.
- Savage Otaku: Watching DBZ made him want to push himself to his limits.
- KT: Wanted to take a moment to grieve Yumcha, keep your man away from Bulma godammit.
Who is your favourite DBZ character?
- Anime Nerd: In Gohan we trust
- Savage Otaku & Oti: Goku
- KT: Vegeta
Anime Nerd: Did AUS have their own dub voice actors?
There are only 2 celebrities in Australia and there are all kangaroos
KT, 2019
Naruto – Favourite characters
- Anime Nerd: Itachi
- Savage Otaku: Sasuke
- Oti: Shikamaru
- KT: Jiraiya
What are you watching now?
- Anime Nerd: One Punch Man, Seven Seas, Wise Man’s Grandchild (want to watch: Demon Slayer)
- Savage Otaku: Blade of Demon Destruction, Dodoro, Prison School
- Oti: My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter
How do you find new anime to watch?
- Anime Nerd: MyAnimeList and Crunchyroll
- Savage Otaku & Oti: MyAnimeList
- KT: Oti
For Your Reference
Our suggestions on what you should watch if you enjoy Anime
Savage Otaku
[imdb style=”gray”]tt3431758[/imdb]
- Dodoro – MyAnimeList link
Anime Nerd
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0994314[/imdb][imdb style=”gray”]tt5249462[/imdb]
Oti & KT
[imdb style=”gray”]tt3742982[/imdb][imdb style=”gray”]tt0434706[/imdb]