Step into the Danger Zone with us this week talking about 9 seasons of everyone’s favourite spy! Grab your paddles and a bear claw for a good time!
Breakdown and Analysis
- Archer is at it’s strongest when it has a foundation it can anchored itself to. So even when there are concept story arcs, it is still grounded in it’s world.
- We discussed the changing formats, particularly after VICE, which is agreed as one of the best seasons, if not for our Slater.
- General consensus is that Pam was probably the most ‘normal’ person. She cared about people but she was just terrible about it. We also ran out of time but Archer mentions Pam is the best sex he’s had. Shout out to bigger girls gettin’ theirs!
- Cyril had a massive chip in his pants and was constantly always trying to best Archer. To be fair, Archer did get the upper hand on ‘Stir Fry-day’.
- Krieger Krieger piggly eater is another option for episode title. It gets it’s own bullet point.
- We would be open to a Krieger spin off. Also another spin off with Mallory and Bucky.
- We attempted to dive into Archer’s genesis of sexual exploration but realised we were not equipped for such deep rooted Oedipus issues lol
- Heart of Archness is one of the best story arc concepts of the show. Our of love for this is seen in our opening segment, Your phase or mine?
- Skytitanic is also a fan favourite. Captain Lammers! M is for Mancy anyone?
- Also Vincent Gofuckyourself!
Unrelated but vital points
- To have a protagonist that is an asshole they need to balanced out in some vulnerabilities.
- Lana would be a ghost on Scooby Doo, reminiscent of Bobby Brown’s mounting ghost.
- Oti is mistaken and we do stan Jon Hamm in every facet, good or bad.
- We should definitely use any influence we have for Aisha to revive her podcast girl on guy:
- Chris Parnell is perfect.
- It is very hard to talk about Archer not just shout references at each other.
For Your Reference
Our suggestions on what you should watch in supplement of this TV show!
Oti’s pick
[imdb style=”gray”]tt1561755[/imdb]
KT’s picks
[imdb style=”gray”]tt0367279[/imdb]